85 - Marble Parapet

The presbytery of the church is separated from the nave by way of a marble parapet made in 1791 by Girolamo Bocciardo and featuring four angels holding up an alter cloth.
To the left of the chancel is a gold veined white marble Renaissance ciborium made by Gio. Lorenzo Sormano in 1521. The ciborium is the structure where consecrated hosts are kept after Eucharist.
The two large paintings either side of the high alter are 17th-century copies of Raffaello’s Transfiguration and Rubens’ Assumption of the Vigin Mary by artist Spoleti.
The central nave houses the pulpit crafted by Pasquale Bocciardo in 1765. This piece refers both to Ezekiel’s biblical dream and to a later reminder of the Del Carretto family. The pulpit is shaped like a pillar of clouds stirred by the breath of angels who also float a chariot supported by the evangelists’ symbols of the apocalypse.